Genre/RPG Publisher Author Alphanumeric |
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The Fractured Void
A brave starship crew is drawn into the schemes of interplanetary powers competing for control of the galaxy. Captain Felix Duval and the crew of the Temerarious quietly patrol a remote Mentak Coalition colony system where nothing ever happens. But when they answer a distress call from a moon under atack, that peaceful existence is torn apart. They rescue a scientist, Thales, who's developing revolutionary technology to create new wormholes. He just needs a few things to make it fully operational... and now, ordered to aid the scientist, the Temerarious is targeted by two rival black-ops teams intent on reacquiring Thales. Can Felix trust Thales? Or is this a consipracy to tip the balance of power in the galaxy forever? The first extraordinary space opera set in the vast game universe of Twilight Imperium. |
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